
Lost Chance

Maybe in the future we’ll run into each other and maybe we’ll ready to give love another chance. If not, I hope you get to achieve everything you’ve always wanted and have your dream career because that’s all you would talk about when you couldn’t sleep at night. I hope whoever you end up with helps you become the greatest version of the man you can be. Because I lost my chance in doing so.

Your Twenties.

You grow and change so much during your 20’s. You might have been compatible with your partner for most of your relationship these years, slowly drifted over the past year, and finally realized that it just isn’t going to work anymore.

What Is This Lingering Feeling?

This is not a poem. This is just me, pouring down my thoughts. I feel so restless recently. Like I have to figure things out as fast as possible. I over-read everything. Over-analyze. Over-do. I become so insecure. So perfectionist. I pushed my self too hard. To the point I'm so tired but I'm satisfied, like, at least I tried. But, this is so not me. Where did the old me go? This is so not me. But, is it good? Where will this feeling leads me? What is this?


The traces you left; In front of my door, on the couch, in the living room, on your clothes, in my head, echoing & haunting. But the traces were never actually there. It's only in my head, echoing & haunting. I'm left with nothing except these papers, there's number in it. "Call these numbers if you miss me" I tried, no one answered. No one heard me. Until one day I realized, people never left. I made them left. -an * puisi terinspirasi dari kisah seorang Nenek dekat kantor yang selalu duduk di teras rumahnya & meminta setiap orang yang lewat untuk menelfon saudaranya


Abandoned; but once loved. Once someone's first, once someone's last. They were someone's once. But aren't we all? -an. * puisi terinspirasi dari bangkai gerbong kereta di stasiun Purwakarta

Skincare Review: JF SULFUR OILY CARE

Halo, semua! Kali ini aku mau mulai nulis sesuatu yang beda di blog yaitu review produk kecantikan hehe. Karena belakangan ini aku mulai concern banget sama skincare dan makeup (telat banget) lalu rasanya sayang aja kalau nggak berbagi cerita. So, let's start! Produk yang mau aku review hari ini yaitu sabun ( like literally sabun) cuci muka dari JF Sulfur yang jenis Oily Care. Singkat cerita sebelum pakai JF Sulfur ini aku sempat gonta-ganti pencuci muka mulai dari awalnya ke dokter, lalu ke klinik kecantikan, sampai pakai produk Korea. Lalu kenapa gonta-ganti? Nggak cocok? Bukan. Aku gampang bosan dan pengen coba produk baru terus menerus yang bisa hilangin kelebihan minyak di wajah aku. Tapi jujur sekarang aku nyesel hehe. Aku udah pakai si JF Sulfur ini selama hampir satu bulan. Oiya, aku belinya di swalayan BORMA deket rumah dan kalau nggak salah harganya Rp11.000-an (super murah). Aku berani nyoba JF Sulfur karena baca-baca review di blog orang dan di www.femaledaily....